Green Associates are landscape architects with expertise in master planning, creating sustainable and creative spaces that meet the environmental, economic, cultural and social pressures of the 21st century, in balance with the aspirations of client and community.
We have extensive experience in assessing the landscape and visual effects of development proposals, ranging from rural subdivisions to commercial buildings to agricultural developments.
We have vast experience in working collaboratively with other consultants and bring in-depth understanding of the economics and constructed methodologies of the project.
Director Cora Lawton is a registered NZILA Grad Landscape Architect and has provided expert landscape evidence for council hearings and Environment Court appeals.
Green Associates design and deliver at all scales. Our services include:
- Rural development and subdivision master planning and design
- Holistic stormwater management areas
- Master planning of existing education facilities
- Community consultation and engagement
- Advanced computer visualisation and modelling
- Sustainable agricultural development and design
- Landscape and Visual Assessments