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Waimauku Clock
Nov 20 2015I was approached by the Waimauku Lions in 2010 to undertake the design of a clock/sign to provide an entrance way that represents Waimauku. I have been the lead consultant for this project (working alongside the Waimauku Lions, Local Board Chair Brenda Steele of Auckland Council and various NZTA Representatives), which has required a range of my expertise to obtain Resource Consent and NZTA approval. This project has faced many challenges, the sign location has change three times due to council regulations; and the design of the sign has been through numerous changes to follow strict regulations set by NZTA. This project is the first gateway project to be driven by a community group in the Auckland Region. We have had a lot of council support, and were very closely watched by the council as a case study for future community driven projects. The Auckland Council is wanting to see more projects of this kind succeed. To often these projects fail, due to the expense of professional fees, construction costs and council fees. That is why I felt it was important for me to offer my expertise for free, for this project. Through various meetings with Brenda and the Rodney Local Board, we obtained funding for the implementation of the landscaping component of the project. Auckland Council kept a close eye on this project, to ensure it succeeded. This project was been quite time demanding, but very enjoyable. I feel very privileged to have been asked to design and provide my expertise for a project that will forever represent the community that I call home.
The clock and landscaping was unveiled on the 7th of Novemebr 2015. For the planning stages of the project click here, and for the unveiling article in the Norwest Newsbreif click here.
Community Projects
Apr 29 2013Cora was approached by the Waimauku Lions back in 2011 to offer her services to design a public road entrance that represents the region and its community. A 4.5m x 2m sign was designed to represent the history, character and context of Waimauku surrounded by a planting palette which enhances the aesthetics and ecology of the local area.
This has recently been submitted to council for resource consent and it should be implemented by the end of this year. For more details on this project click here read the article published in the Nor-west News.